Harbor SEO: A New Era of Automated Content Generation (2024)

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Harbor AI, it’s here, guys! It’s finally here. Look at that, guys. It’s perfectly done—a versus brand A versus brand B article.

Discover the premier content generator available today, utilizing top-tier AI APIs to produce exceptional content for all users.

Join now for just $1 for your first month by selecting the Lite Monthly Plan and applying the discount code: DOLLARLAUNCH

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Visit https://harborseo.ai/

This project, which has been a labor of love for the past six months, owes its success to Rowan, whose unwavering support was crucial in bringing this tool to the public.

That’s literally it, and it’s created this masterpiece. You can try this now, Harbor SEO.

Getting Started with Harbor SEO

Setting Up Your Account

Welcome to a very special article where we’re going to be going through Harbor. Now, before we actually get into Harbor, I want to talk about a few different things. The first is whether or not you need Claude, ChatGPT, or Perplexity Pro.

The answer is NO!

You don’t need Perplexity Pro, and you don’t need Claude Pro. All you need to do is go to claw.anthropic.com, and also Perplexity AI. All you need to do is set up a payment method, add tokens to your account, and then you can use Harbor SEO.

No Need for Pro Versions

You do not need Perplexity Pro; you just need a payment method added.

All you need to do is go to settings and then select, as you can see in the image attached below. This account does not have a Pro version.

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You can see it says ‘Try Pro’ on the bottom left. If I go on settings and go to API, you’ll see that I have $5 pending in credit because it didn’t work.

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After all, my payment method was blocked. Then, if I had money in the account, like $5 or $2, it doesn’t matter, I would be able to press generate here, and I’d be able to get an API key. That’s all you need to do. You don’t need Perplexity Pro.

The process is similar to using Claude. First, visit console.anthropic.com and create an account. Next, click ‘Build with Claude,’ add your payment information, and you’ll be able to access Harbor SEO!

Although same procedure with ChatGPT, but I personally do not recommend ChatGPT. What I would recommend is Claude AI, as it’s much more intelligent and accurate.

Features of Harbor SEO

How to Sign Up for Harbor’s $1 First Month Promo?

Ok, so they’re offering Harbor for just $1 for the first month using the promo code ‘dollar launch.’ Many people are experiencing issues with signing up, so I’ll guide you through the process.

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Click ‘upgrade’ and select the light monthly plan, not the yearly one. Note that they are not offering a full year of Harbor for $1, only the first month. The light plan is €29 per month.

Click ‘Buy Now,’ and then you’ll see an option on the left to ‘Add promotion code.’ These are the two main questions they are receiving right now, and with many people signing up, I wanted to address them briefly.

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Interactive Charts and Graphs

Now let’s talk about the good stuff. What can Harbor do that other content generators can’t?

Well, the first thing it can do is make interactive charts and graphs. A lot of auto bloggers promise charts, they promise graphs, and they never deliver.

Harbor, on the other hand, has worked out a way to make bar charts, graphs, very interesting tables, and even infographics.

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However, I’m not going to explain the details right now, but this is incredibly powerful. They’ll be releasing videos in the next few days that will show you exactly how it works. For the time being, I encourage you to explore it on your own.

Scraping Website Context

The other thing it does is scrape your website’s context. A lot of auto-bloggers just write an article that can go on anyone’s website.

They’ve created a content generator designed to produce unique content tailored specifically for your business. This content is exclusively meant for your website or brand and is not suitable for any other site. The content generated by Harbor is intended solely for your business’s online presence.

Furthermore, Harbor AI creates content specific to your business. It scrapes your sitemap, takes all the URLs, finds the relevant ones, and sends them to a very advanced LLM scraping system.

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This system scrapes the pricing, the description, and what the product is, or what the service is, and then it sends all that to a writing prompt.

Customization and Innovation

Customizable Prompts

Effectively, it’s more complicated than that. A week ago, there were only five prompts in Harbor; now there are 15 to 20 prompts in Harbor. For context, probably on the 6th of June, they started Harbor from scratch.

Language and Industry Settings

You can go to settings if you want to change the language. They’ve only got the languages that Claude is good at at the moment.

Another thing is the industry setting, which has no bearing on the result. Anything that affects the result is inside the dashboard.

Before we dive in, let me mention that this is version 0.01. For those of you familiar with my work, you’ll know I have a passion for innovation.

Continuous Updates and Future Enhancements

Daily Updates of Harbor AI

Harbor AI is committed to innovation. They already have a keyword generator built and ready to go.

Well, it’s risky, some bad things might happen, but they are going to be updating Harbor daily, putting their brains and other experts’ brains into this tool.

Future Enhancements

The pricing might increase in the future, depending on how much we invest in this tool. We already have a topical authority generator ready to go that will provide tailored blog post suggestions based on your website and avoid duplicate content.

Live Example with Sitemap Integration

Let’s go through an example…

I’ll work with two men since it started with two men, so why not end it the same way? Let me insert the sitemap here by copying and pasting directly—don’t try to write it yourself as errors may occur. Use Ctrl+V to paste.

Content Generation Process

Let’s use “men’s sneakers 2024” as the main keyword, and I’ll use Claude as the LLM. For instructions, you might add something like “Do not make structured function medical claims” if you’re in the medical niche or something. I often leave the instructions blank. I also don’t adjust the tone of voice.

For content type, there are various options like listicles, product reviews, informational articles, pros and cons, comparisons, how-tos, brand roundups, and more.

Let’s go with “brand A vs. brand B” to see the effect. You can also upload PDFs for technical niches or include specific image links. This feature will be improved soon.

Currently, it doesn’t handle affiliate content well, but that will be updated soon. The generation process takes 3 to 5 minutes, but it’s worth the wait.

I have 194,000 tokens available, and each generation uses about 650 to 700 tokens.

Review and Results

As you can see in the image below, we selected “versus brand A versus brand B,” resulting in the title “Hugo Boss versus Premiata Luxury Men’s Sneakers Showdown 2024.”

If you want to focus on a specific brand on your website, you can simply include that brand in the main keyword. For instance, using “Kiton versus Santony” will generate content about that topic most of the time. Don’t hesitate to customize the main keyword.

Let’s look at the results. The section titled “Hugo Boss: Sleek Sophistication” displays two product images side by side, which looks great. As we scroll, you’ll notice that the content finished generating as I started showing it to you.

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One common critique is that the articles aren’t long enough. Moreover, I believe shorter, focused content often ranks better than lengthy 2,000–3,000-word articles. However, we are addressing this feedback and will soon offer the option to extend the content length.

Testing HTML and Integration with Platforms

However, you can use the W3 Schools Tryit Editor. Simply copy and paste the HTML code, similar to Markdown to HTML, to see a preview of the article. You can make edits and adjust the CSS if needed. You can see it in the image in the above heading.

Additionally, for Shopify, you can paste the HTML directly without issues. For WordPress, it’s a bit more complex. They’ll provide guides soon, but you can use a custom HTML block to paste the content, and it will appear as intended.


Overall, Harbor SEO is here to revolutionize content creation with its advanced features and continuous updates. Try Harbor SEO today and experience the future of automated content generation.

Thank you for reading. I hope you check out Harbor and enjoy the innovative features it offers. See you soon with more content.

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Any questions in mind? I would love to hear from you. Share your experiences or seek advice in the comments section below!

Stay tuned, and good luck!

Marketing Wizards


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Zaid Alam Shah

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